Currently running the entry level Decware 2 watt integrated amp with tubes from the 50's and 60's into Speaker Lab corner horn (khorn clones) using a MHDT Orchid DAC with the 6922 adapter. It gets loud enough when using a single sub but as you know there's always more. I'm not using a preamp but have an old Luxman CL35 (for vinyl) and a Schitt Sega + for remote volume if I need it.
The room just works. it's a big L shape almost 30ft long with a staircase that bisects the bottom of the L with a half wall. This gives me two good corners 18ft apart. The inner elbow of the L is two 45% angles creating a non parallel space just behind the listening area about 12 ft from the front wall. The space is open behind me and to the right with 9ft ceilings.
I'm currently throwing a blanket over the big screen when I listen which tightens everything up.
When I bought the speakers I was intending to upgrade them with either the Volti or ALK horn, crossover upgrade but they sounded so good that I'm not sure that's the place to start which is why I asked the question.
What is a piece that I can build around that will improve what I have today but won't be the weak link as the system evolves?