I also live on the Mass/RI border in RI. Who would have figured?
FM Antennas For Old School Tuner?
ST-2 by Magnum Dynalab is great, I have one mounted outside and live on the MA/RI border. On a clear night I can get stations on the MA/RI border. Also there is a college station a few towns over with a 175 Watt output, the MD 102 /ST 2 is the only radio that can pick it up. The ST 2 is made by Metz... Fawcett Boat supplies has the same antenna branded Metz for $67.99..... |
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I set up a vintage system recently with a tuner and did not want to install an outdoor antenna. I tried the one Magnum Dynalab indoor model- not the rod- with mixed success. I tracked down a guy who used to make an elaborate adjustable indoor array that was quite expensive. He recommended this. Fabulous performance: [url]https://www.ccrane.com/item/ant_fm_fmrwhite/101106/fm_reflect[/url] Don't be deceived by its appearance. It is not a flimsy dipole and like a pipe cleaner, it can be shaped into different positions. I just have it hanging behind the floor cabinet where the gear is and it works great-- Bonus: It's 20 dollars, and they ship pretty fast! (No affiliation or monetary gain by recommending). |
lak2,925 posts03-15-2018 7:49pm That rod is one type of antenna, give it a try ...The rod is for AM, not FM. |
It looks to me like the back of the tuner offers several types of attachments that one would expect to find for various antennas. Isn’t there an antenna rod attached to the U clip on the rear top left corner of the Tuner? https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrJ3VjeXqpaoHQAvPUPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNGozbWZ1BGNvbG... https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_4?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=fm+antenna&... |