Focal Sopra n1 - mids are a bit recessed compared to Lumina IIs

I upgraded my speakers from Sonus Faber Lumina II's to Focal Sopra N1. I am using the Luxman 595 class A amp, which I used for the Lumina IIs as well. 

I love the bass and imaging of the Sopra N1s. Really good! However, one thing is bothering me. The mids or vocals seemed more recessed on the Sopra N1s when compared to my much cheaper Lumina IIs. Why is this? I miss the liveliness of the Lumina IIs from having those mids more forward. 

Also, when I heard the Focal Sopra N1s at the store on a McIntosh 12000, I did not detect the mids being recessed. So it's very confusing also in that respect.  


I have had a few listing sessions with the Sopra's and kanta 2-3's over the last few weeks, in a well treated room. I agree the Sopra's midrange is recessed and the top end is tipped up. the Kanta's are not nearly as bad and are a bit wormer presentation IMO. Amps were the new Naim mono blocks and the new Chord Integrated (very nice amp but lacking in options). 


I’ve not heard recessed mids with any Focal speaker I’ve heard or seen any evidence of that in measurements. If someone has measurements showing this I’m interested. Love my lowly 836w speakers and they have fought off pricier competition I’ve bought and sold and they remain. I had some Aria 906 monitors also and detected no recessed mids. 

I’m waiting for that localish sale of some Sopra or Electras and I would likely bite if the price is right. 

What you describe sounds completely correct. Focal speakers are very treble forward speakers and MacIntosh are very midrange / bass heavy… details light. The combo probably sounded good. Your Sonus Faber are very natural sounding with very midrange revealing speakers, your Luxman is very trebbly with a fair amount of slam… kind of bimodal with emphasis on treble and bass.

That sounds exactly what I would expect.


Mating a Luxman… you want very relaxed / warm speakers or they are going to sound like the midrange is sucked out. Not a good combination unless you want copious quantities of detail with bass emphasis. If you want musical, fleshed out… well, neither Focal or Luxman are the ticket. 

I would measure your room for starters. REW is free software, you just need a mic. 

Recessed mids seems odd for a focal but I have not heard the Sopra1. In general maybe toe them out a bit to knock down the highs which might push the mids more forward in perspective. 

Worse case cut your losses and try again. I have found Revel Be line to sound similar but be smoother in frequency response. The 126be might surprise you and save a bunch of money.