For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question

I'm the happy owner of a fairly new tube preamp and monoblock amps. I love it and have bought new tubes. To have another option for warmer weather or possibly a second listening room, I got a very good solid state integrated. I've run the tube preamp with the solid state amp and it sounds quite nice. I love all tubes, too.

But this question is for you. Please forget the convenience factor for a moment, including the issue of tube replacement etc. Also, forget about those cases where you bought new speakers and needed more power, etc.

Assuming you had quality tube gear with sufficient power — here's the question if you abandoned tubes for SONIC reasons:

What what is that tubes couldn't give you?
What did your solid state gear do for you which was so much better that you divorced to marry anew?

I'm curious about what people list as the positive sonic reasons they love solid state (including A, AB, D, etc.).

Tubes and SS are a different paradigm. They approach producing music from different perspectives. My understanding is that tubes are a more visceral experience and SS more intellectual.

This type of generalization is common in a variety of audio debates, but not really true. The right SS setup can be emotionally very engaging, and tubes can leave you cold in the wrong setup.
I think we've reached the logical end of this topic, regarding the big picture.

We have these two recent statements:

best of breed tube and solid state are very close now, and ever converging

And the opposite claim:
Tubes and SS are a different paradigm. They approach producing music from different perspectives. My understanding is that tubes are a more visceral experience and SS more intellectual.

Be that as it may, I'm still interested in what someone specifically gave up in order to gain with SS. With as many variables controlled as possible. But maybe this well is run dry.

Like someone else already said here, ZOTL technology seems to be the way to go without any negative  claimed by the 2 camps against each other, in the tubes versus S.S. debate....

I want one and i accept donation.... :)
imagine an easy load no bizare phase angles, gentle slope filters speaker with power factor corrected feed forward amp below 100 hz with 11 bands of analog EQ...amp matched to sub, sub matched to amp, then the high pass goes to a hybrid amp with tube front end, liquid cooling for rock solid bias ( think that thru ), bipolars in a cyclotron floating ground output and a bunch of other neat tricks of amplifier supremely matched to speaker load and sensitivity..

Vandersteen 7 speaker and Vandersteen 7 amp

you can get close for $30k with Quattro and Model 5 amp

as othersstated, but i will paraphrase, unfair advantage when you can purpose design an amplifier for the load, and in this case split the load 
I will say 20 series Ayre amps are super great SS also, very liquid, very musical, harmonically dense...