Four Hour Tube Amp Warm-Up

My Primaluna Tube amps require a 4 hour warm-up in order to enter the Glory Zone. My previous Muzishare X7 tube amp was the same. Just wondering if this holds with the experience of other tube ampers.


My tube amps seem to warm up pretty quickly...10 to 20 minutes maybe? My Pass XA-25 takes about 45 minutes although it sounds damn good immediately upon start-up.

PL Dialogue HP Integrated here. Sublime within 15 minutes of power-up. 4 hours? Sounds like your confirmation bias needs adjustment!

4 hours -- wow. So, tube life is, in effect, one quarter of their expected life for good listening? That will sound like an argument for solid state to many.

I agree with @designsfx for ARC stuff.  A half hour definitely benefits it, but I live in SO FL where it is warm most of the time--NOT THIS WEEK!

As far as hours and hours, I don't really notice much difference after a couple of albums.


My Elekit 300B sounds better than most of the other integrated amps on earth after 20 minutes.  But after 4 hours they’re magic.

Had a pair of Gryphon SS Class A monoblocks that peaked at 12 hours even though I kept them in standby all the time.

Go figure.