Fuse upgrade on Marantz SA-10 & Marantz UD9004

Hi everyone,

As the title reads, I own both Marantz players (the SA-10 in my main system and the UD9004 on my HT room).

Have any of you find if there are replaceable fuses to upgrade inside them and where are they located or their values? I’ve heard you can improve the sound quality significantly when doing it.
I’ll appreciate any help!



raysmtb1296 posts03-08-2021 7:33pm

Well Mr. heavy mechanic I used to have a Lotta respect for you. Remember those interconnects from China filled with oil that you recommended ....you said they made a nice difference.


No Mr. in my name JUST oldhvymec.. LOL

Mercy, spring a little oil leak and it’s the end of the world.. It made a difference, it lightened your pocket book and fattened someone else's. Something happened...

My next line is all on you.. Remember the post. I said try it for 32 or 39 dollars. The ribbons were a knock out.. Pure and simple. It took me 4 different ribbons to get the right ones and 300.00 dollars but I had fun.. The oil filled RCA were one of 5 different types I tried. 4 were wonderful and one was actually stateside.. The RCAs were more a talking point for me..

The OP was asking for under 1000.00 usd..

ALL mine were under 50.00, besides it was time for an oil change, pretty obvious. ay :-)

I never spent over 50.00 on 1 meter silver weaves or copper.. Try to find anything even CLOSE for under 500.00. The oil filled, pure and simple "I tried it" you got braggin’ rights in your case bitchin’ rights.. LOL

One of my RCA leaked too, I laid hands on it, prayed, and it quit leaking..
What can I say... Actually it was pulled to tight and caused it to leak.. I fixed it.. I now know the reason, it was the airplane ride over up and down in a non pressurized cargo bay.. You give up to easy..
The sound.. They were OK at best...

The other 4 weaves, and the flat cable copper twister you’ll never know..

The ribbons, oh yea they are real bad too, don’t buy those either. Bigger smile :-) A buddy has bought over 50 pairs now.. I think every nephew, second and third cousin in the country got a pair from him..
He has 2 meter Oden IIs 13K or something like that. He’s rich..

I just happen to find the perfect cable with the wrong terminal ends, for 30.00 more, I get exactly what I want and how I want it made.. 130.00 for 3 meter silver/copper/teflon with silver over copper spade ends..
Darn near Spittin’ image of Odin IIs. 130.00 USD.. No wooden blocks saying "Odin II" Expensive blocks of wood, over 12K.

@auxinput: I really appreciate your feedback. I’ll try to do as you recommend me and try to find it. Thanks!

@georgehifi: What the hell is wrong with you dude? So what if this is my first post? Does that gives you the almighty power to judge what I ask for? If you have nothing constructive to say, you’d better go elsewhere to troll, not in MY thread. Take your meds dude, for Pete’s sake!

@nonoise: Thank your very much for your kind support. Have a great day!
Yes, just ignore the troll. He want's this thread to get ugly so he can run to the mods to have it shut down. It's his only reason for being here.

All the best,
Before this thread is drug down into a flame war, let's just ignore any negative comments and move forward.
The fuse is likely mounted on a circuit board very close to the IEC power cord inlet. You would have to take the cover off and potentially remove other circuit boards that are mounted on top to get to the main A/C power input board. Since both of these players are high end transports that have some heavy analog boards, I would probably recommend a 2A fuse (it is likely a small 5x20mm fuse, but you would have to examine this to make sure).
Very dangerous for someone to play around with, that can't find this them for themselves.
I hope some of you fusers have insurance for telling them to do go ahead and play around with lethal mains potential components inside equipment!!!!.

raysmtb1 It’s all BS and snake oil

valentinofv OP1 posts
that’s not the answer I was looking for.
I’ve heard you can improve the sound quality significantly when doing it.

And here we go again, 1 post and and a "staunch fuser" already, and to boot not looking for the truth, even though asking for it???? which was given by Ray.

BTW wrong forum also, "Mics-Audio" is the forum for this thread, as there’s NO "PRO" tech-talk available on this subject and never will be, not buy anyone with technical cred anyway, just by snake oil fusers.
The fuse is likely mounted on a circuit board very close to the IEC power cord inlet.  You would have to take the cover off and potentially remove other circuit boards that are mounted on top to get to the main A/C power input board.  Since both of these players are high end transports that have some heavy analog boards, I would probably recommend a 2A fuse (it is likely a small 5x20mm fuse, but you would have to examine this to make sure).

Well Mr. heavy mechanic I used to have a Lotta respect for you. Remember those interconnects from China filled with oil that you recommended ....you said they made a nice difference.  I bought a set...not only did they not make a difference all they did was leak that oil all over the floor. Do you know where they are now? In the garbage is where they are! Along with the  $65 I spent on them. I used to think that you were the man now I’m wondering if you’re not just a junk man. I’ve gotten suckered into so much crap in this audio world. If I wasn’t a quadriplegic I’d kick  my self! What a joke all this crap is. 

valentinofv OP1 posts03-07-2021 10:09pmraysmtb1 :

I respect your opinion; however, that’s not the answer I was looking for. Thanks anyway.


You may respect it but I don’t.. I’d return the information to the broken record it came from. Fuses and a walkman for the clown...

Yea no more MR. nice guy here.

Add that one to the Eeyore 6 list.

Though one person is half way off, my crap list, I crawled on myself, with some of the CRAP I been reading lately..

The things people think they hear, BUT fuses CAN make a difference.. 

OP do this. Take the fuses you currently have, turn them around one at a time, "IF" you hear a difference, chances are a fuse change will be a nice sonic nuget, if not.. SAVE YOUR MONEY.. A dab of silicone on the glass tube or wrap the fuse with a piece of tape. Use contact enhancer on the tips of the fuse and clean the fuse holder. Add enhancer (just a tiny little bit) with a Q-Tip.

101 "Make my system better for peanuts" Copy rights may apply.. :-)

Respect, I'm gonna' quit sayin' Regards

raysmtb1 : I respect your opinion; however, that’s not the answer I was looking for. Thanks anyway.

nonoise: Thanks for your input. I’ve not been able neither to locate the fuses inside (if there’s any on them). Let’s see if other A’goners can jump in the thread and give us some feedback.
I use 4 HiFi Tuning Silver Star fuses on my Marantz SA15S2b and they make an improvement once the stock ones that anyone can hear. Looking at the inside shots of a SA-10, I can't see where there are fuses. They might be on a lower board and if so, I'd leave it as is.

All 4 fuses on mine are located near the center of the player (in the open on the circuit board) so it was easy to get at them. I couldn't locate one at or near the IEC inlet and if there is one in there, I left it as is.

All the best,Nonoise