Future of DVD-A

Does anyone have any views on the future of DVD-Audio? I've recently purchased an Arcam DV-79, which I use as a dvd player and cd transport for my Bel Canto II dac. It is also a DVD-A player and I am interested in using it for this purpose.

However, I don't really want to go down that path if I'm just going to end up buying a few dvd-a discs and then having the format disappear. I've seen a bit lately about the demise of sacd, but is dvd-a also a victim of that format war?

Showing 1 response by leedistad

I concur with Tvad, and will add that the unbypassable video-based navigation menus to select tracks on some discs are a major agravation.

On the other hand, the number of superior DVD-A's I have outnumber the superior SACD's. Many of the SACD's I've picked up or listened to have been crummy remasters that I would be ashamed to release, if I owned the record label.

I strongly disagree with Tarsando. The selection of new plastic in both formats at hip, independant music stores in my area is quite good. Best Buy and similar places demand that stock turns every 45 days or less, so keeping an extensive back catalogue inventory just isn't part of their game plan.