Getting computer to recognize A/D Source

Not sure where this belongs, but I am trying to convert my vinyl to digital files.

My signal path is: Turntable -> Phono Preamp -> A/D Converter -> Yellowtec PUC2 Lite -> Computer via USB cable

I spent the money on the PUC2 because it has an AES in and out on the same box. When I want to play music through my DAC, the AES out works without fail.

When I try to do AES in, my computer has recognized it as a source for two short stints, then fails no matter what settings get changed, system-initiated troubleshooting, or unplugging and replugging the USB cable does at either end.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



You simply need an ADC that outputs to USB if you want to export to a PC. They are much cheaper and available compared to an AES/EBU to USB converter.

A PUC lite accomplishes 0 for that task.,USB%20cable%20that%20is%20supplied.

You figured it out erik. I found the setting in Windows that changed the bit and sampling rate to match my A/D and it worked right away. Thank you very much.