Good USED Speaker Cable Choices for $300-$500 ?

With SO MANY Cables out there where do you start?

I am looking to create a warm "Brit" sound that is
polite yet rises to the occasion with punch when
called upon. Maybe a little rounded on the details
in favor of musicality and general warmth. (to me
warmth is the same as saying slightly dark)

My suspects for good (USED) 5-6 foot speaker cables are:

Analysis Plus Oval 9
Purist Audio Aqueous

What seems to be the best bang for the buck Speaker
Cables out there USED in the $300-$500 price range
which might promote the kind of sound characteristics
I describe??

Save yourself some money, Anti-cables are as good as any out there in the $1500-$2000 range.
I'm another one that traded $2000 speaker cables for something much less costly. In my case it was the Grover Huffman cables which cost me about $300 and come with a trial period.

However, I do not believe these cables would fit your criteria of slightly rounded and warm (slightly dark), but they are musical.
I too traded $3000+ sc for Grovers and am much happier. I have found that cables are system dependent, my system doesn't like network boxes. Your probably not going to find Grover Huffman used but new should be close to your price range.