Has anyone compared the Nola Viper IIa's..

to the Nola Viper Reference. I heard the Viper reference and I liked what I heard, but the II's were not available for auditioning. I want to know if the reference's are worth the extra $7000 over the II's.
I've heard them on the same day in a dealers rooms. I found the Viper IIa's to be competent but not spectacular. They were in the "ok, that's nice but lets move on" category. I agree with you about the Reference, they were wonderful to my ears, everything I find desirable in a speaker. They were on a much higher plane of musical accuracy in every respect. As one who likes well integrated, musical speakers that avoid analytical dissected type reproduction, I found the them near ideal. The dealers rooms weren't ideal, so that may have been a factor. If I'd had the more than $10k, I'd have taken them home.
Your response is quite helpful. I'm a little disappointed with Nola (Alon). Their newer products don't seem to capture the same magic of the music as the older products (Alon I's, II's, IV's and V's), unless you go up much higher in the range with the corresponding cost. Its a shame because I've long been a fan. The old products just had so much more value.

Again, thanks for your thoughts. Looks like I may have to consider a used pair of the Viper references. My other choice of speaker are the Focal 1027be's. I'll need to do some A&B auditioning if I can find a shop which carries both speakers.
You're right, I wouldn't say that the Nola Vipers were a high value product. I've heard any number of speakers at or below their price point that sounded better to my ears. A good pair of References at used prices, that's a different story.