Has it all been worth it?

I recently turned 63, and I've been into all things audio since the mid 70's. In that time I've spent countless thousands of dollars chasing that damn rabbit down the hole. Solid state, vinyl, cassette, CD, tubes, big speakers, small speakers, pricy gear, cheap gear...been there, done that. Sitting here in my less than acoustically friendly office listening to a Hi-Res version of Angie by TRS this is probably the nicest stereo I've ever had. And even with my compromised hearing (bouts of tinnitus, and a stroke) I know the music sounds as good as it ever has, but yet I can't help but ask myself - has this journey all been worth it? The money, soul searching, reviews, disappointment in the review when it didn't live up to the hype, "am I missing out by not owning _____" etc. Sometimes I wish I were more like my wife who just bought a cheap shelf unit to listen to her CD's and is perfectly pleased with what she hears.

Anyone else find themself at this point sometimes?


Having been an audiophile for many decades there's been many ups and downs. Failures certainly frustrating but I never recall longer term regret, perhaps short term, eventually I'd come back to the realization building audio systems is as much about process and learning as it is an end goal. I thoroughly enjoyed the discovery phase of audio, so much to learn, so many variables, so much complexity! Lately I've been looking through my old audiophile magazines, brings back memories of those days, going to shows, dealers, having in depth discussions with other audiophiles along the way, just completely immersed in the learning process. What an adventure it was!


Also, in regard to goals, the greater the goal the more one strives to reach it, desire is a great motivator.


Over the past few years I feel as though I'm in a perfect place, I both admire the sound quality of my system and effortlessly become fully immersed in the illusion of real live artists performing great music in my room. This has all been totally worth it, having been OCD for so many years paid off big time!


As for ends, I'm still an audiophile, my interest in adding possible new gear remains But more relaxed times, not always feeling the need to fix some weak link allows this. Now I'm simply curious as to what some new item could bring to the table, perhaps another accent on what I already have.

Been on a long audio journey for many years. Finally had the opportunity and finances to get the system I wanted. And yes it was worth it. Enjoying the best audio experience of my life every day. 

Insight from Keats -from "Ode on Melancholy"

She dwells with Beauty -- Beauty that must die; 

And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips 

Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh, 

Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips; 

Ay, in the very temple of delight 

Veiled Melancholy has her sovran shrine, 

Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue 

Can burst Joy's grape against his palate fine;

His soul shall taste the sadness of her might, 

And be among her cloudy trophies hung.

About five years ago I renewed my interest in my system. I have swapped out a lot of gear and had both FOMO and frustration big time along the way, but as my knowledge improved so did my satisfaction. That said, I have recently turned a corner where between a DAC upgrade, a sub six pack, lots of isolation and room acoustic products I am able to occasionally forget its a recording. This was a clear tipping point as my frustration stemmed from the sound being too far away from the sound of the real thing. Sibilance was my primary issue. Secondly, the six pac of subs is not about adequate bass, its about adding an aural presence that sounds like a real venue. I have a huge investment and I regret that it cost so much to get to my tipping point, but I'm very happy I made it. I am now continuing to work on the room, cabling, grounding etc, but not in the frenetic panic I once had. Finally, I think that our hobby keeps my brain sharp and socially I enjoy the relationships (even on-line) that I have made within the hobby.