@lewm , I did not say that skating will decrease linearly over the record. The force is waxing and waning depending on modulation. In average it decreases slightly towards the end of the record playing surface. If the arm could get to the spindle it would increase quite dramatically but not out in the run out groove. Skating is present everywhere and is in average substantial. As for the 10% of VTF that is not my figure. 9 to 11% is the range generally accepted by the industry and used to calibrate their devices. The Wallskater https://www.wallyanalog.com/wallyskater measures this in a clever (but expensive) way. I measure it directly just by turning the force 90 degrees into a stylus gauge. Not rocket science. I am taking it on faith that around 10% of VTF is a good place to be. It is a very difficult thing to ascertain. Just because a certain setting produces the lowest distortion on one test record does not mean it will do the same on any album. Somewhere in that area +- 10% seems reasonable. You can easily hear what happens if you stray to far one way or the other on any test record. At any rate it is nice to have a number to work to. That way I can make sure I am right on something I can not possibly be right on on?
Don't get me started on VPI arms and no antiskating. That marketing stunt made sure I would never look at a VPI product.
cabalaska, make sure that arm got mounted correctly and check the arm length and overhang!!
Don't get me started on VPI arms and no antiskating. That marketing stunt made sure I would never look at a VPI product.
cabalaska, make sure that arm got mounted correctly and check the arm length and overhang!!