HELP! Large speakers fell over during shipping.

Bought a pair of Dali Euphonia MS5 speakers. They must have fallen over during shipping. They were upside down on the pallet when they got to my house. 155Lbs for each box.
My question is, what could have happened internally? Could drivers be harmed? Crossovers? I refused delivery, but now the seller wants them re-delivered so the insurance agent can look them over. I never took them out of the (destroyed) boxes, but now I’ll have a chance to, and check them out. What should I look for (even if they still sound good)?
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I always thought Vandersteen’s Furniture boxes were a good idea. Who want to beat up on furniture? Our fedex guy left a subwoofer on my lawn under a tree in the rain. Wouldn’t do that with furniture.
The boxes were destroyed you say?
Anyone who would put speakers on a pallet without strapping them down is pretty much guaranteeing that they will be damaged. I can’t believe anyone would do that. Tell him that was his mistake and he is responsible for what happened.
If there is a shipper who specializes in huge, heavy, yet lovely and delicate furniture-grade loudspeakers, I don't know about it. To those responsible for hands-on physical movement, cargo is cargo. "A mind that's weak and a back that's strong," to quote Merle Travis with a nod to Mark Knopfler.

$800 and it's not "white glove?" That's why, if ever again I buy giant loudspeakers, I will drive directly to the US manufacturer or in-stock dealer and collect them in person. Any fault will be my own or that of the insured bozo who rear-ends me. Like Miller (albeit with far less technical knowledge), something learned from experience.
Tekton uses Dominion. My speakers arrived in perfect condition. One box had a small hole or tear, the driver waited and let me open and inspect before signing. It was such a small thing I was sure it was okay but he was happy to wait. These are big boxes, way over 6ft tall, 150 lbs, and arrived almost without a dent. That to me is remarkable. So it can be done.