Here's the deal in a nutshell.
40 years ago, most people listened to the radio and records on a cheap Soundesign or similar integrated stereo made in Japan that cost maybe a couple hundred dollars max.
It sounded like crap!
MEanwhile people with good taste in music invested somewhat more and got much better sound.
Now, $200 buys a nice portable device and phones that actually sounds really good! Home gear can sound better too, but only for a price. It cost more to produce good sound at a larger scale, like in most any room compared to with headphones. But the $200 mobile/portable rig most people have can actually be quite good, so the difference, if it exists at all is much more marginal and harder to justify.
There you go. That is where we stand today. And the gap between average affordable sound quality and the best possible will likely only continue to close, not widen, over time.