Sorry for my English , i want to share my speakers design
knowledgeable as a speaker designer. Mostly all high efficiency LS
get few main issues , First, Whizzer cone driver is not perfect to
produce highs , but it can be solve to add supertweeter , Second--
bass is too weak, but also can be solve to add active bass module.
Next is more problematic -- deficiency upper bass and midbass.
There are call baffle step . it can be solve ,mechanically by make very big baffle
like some Voxative LS, or make big Midbass Horn, Is very complicate
to make flat frequansy response for Horn design. It is reason why
a lot audiophile don t like Horn application, Too much coloration.
But there are another way , to solve midbass problem and keep
efficiency the same by adding active midbass driver cover
frequansy up to 700 hz , So you amp will be loaded only for
wide range and sypertweeter.
knowledgeable as a speaker designer. Mostly all high efficiency LS
get few main issues , First, Whizzer cone driver is not perfect to
produce highs , but it can be solve to add supertweeter , Second--
bass is too weak, but also can be solve to add active bass module.
Next is more problematic -- deficiency upper bass and midbass.
There are call baffle step . it can be solve ,mechanically by make very big baffle
like some Voxative LS, or make big Midbass Horn, Is very complicate
to make flat frequansy response for Horn design. It is reason why
a lot audiophile don t like Horn application, Too much coloration.
But there are another way , to solve midbass problem and keep
efficiency the same by adding active midbass driver cover
frequansy up to 700 hz , So you amp will be loaded only for
wide range and sypertweeter.