How does one "Get lost in the music"?

I seem to have lost the ability over the years. Is there a routine you guys follow to get yourself into that state?

My mind is constantly drifting/thinking when i am listening. My equipment is very musical and hiend in nature so i cant blame my equipment for my inability to get emotionally attached.

I dont expect to get into this state everytime i listen, but would like it to happen at least weekly.

Any advice is much appreciated
Things that help me include yoga and meditation, having an appealing environment to listen in, staying away from tv, and minimizing any fatigue inducing aspects of my gear, and of course listening to music I find interesting. Including a lot of giving new music a try and not always listening to the same stuff, no matter how much I might like it.
Try staying away from your "high-end" system and listen to
favorite music on your IPad, computer, or simply on a decent radio and see
what happens. Spend some time on Youtube and search for rare or
unknown performances by favorite artists. Best of all, attend some live
concerts. You might be surprised.
Sometimes, I'll go over a week without listening to my rig. But once I settle in on my lounge, all bets are off and it's off to la-la land, with or without a drink. I guess I'm lucky that way as I've mostly been able to turn things off and let the music take me away.

Maybe I should try some TM, yoga, or other form of meditation and see what this 'higher plane of consciousness' is all about.

All the best,
Put the laptop away.
That's all I need to do as there's not much else in the room to pull my attention away.
A sure way to enjoy music immensely is to try and force the issue. Pressure yourself to enjoy it! Force yourself to concentrate on relaxation! Push to the limit in immersing yourself into it!

The fallacy of the calm listner is far too prevalent; the truth is the authentic audiophile is quite stressed when listening, because listening properly takes work. I leave the listening room exhausted because I have so keenly paid attention and harvested every last bit of experience that there is nothing left to glean.

Most people do not have such highly advanced skills of concentration and appreciation, and it could be quite harmful to you if you try it without working up to it. I advise that you spend one minute of intense focus followed by five minutes of mindless wandering. A few weeks of this should allow you to make it through one piece of music with the hyper-focused attention of the true audiophile. It takes years of practice to hold this elevated focus for hours.

You may just decide to give up on it and be a normal, distracted listener. That's ok; not everyone can be a super-audiophile. ;)