An audio system /room can be an obstacle to what we listen or help the perception...
My system/room dont bother me now, as in the times i was unsatisfied because of my ignorance level...
I listen music 5 hours per day minimum...
I never think : what if i could upgrade...
Before, when i was passive consumers with no experiments, no studies, no increase day by day S.Q. with each experiments, more than 10 years ago, i bought and sold and dream an impossible dream : I want a 100,000 bucks system minimum .. I was a brainwashed passive consumers...Only dreams were possible i thought...
As you see we change with studying and experimenting ...I did it after retirement 24 hours a day for few years to understand acoustic in my system/room...
My system/room gave now the minimal acoustical balanced satisfaction if i take into account all factors at play..
My taste in music had no relation to sound but as said the OP :
Since I’ve gotten my system to a very good place, I find myself liking the performance of almost everything I hear.