How important is spending time with your gear?

In another topic we're talking about digital input speakers, and it got me thinking about something entirely different. 

How important is it to spend time physically close to your gear, vs. enjoying it's output?  If you could have your gear in another room, or closet, and you were left with just your speakers with no audible downside would you do it?  Would you put your gear away and enjoy the empty space or do you need the physical closeness?

Clearly turntables make this a challenge, and there will be some poopy heads which don't get the question or can't stretch their imagination but for those who can, would you?


I like the workings to be out where I can enjoy them. The cause-and-effect is part of the pleasure for me. The whole world is built around the "device paradigm" but I like at least part of the world to have some of its workings exposed.

Good question Erik. I like to see my gear, and I would miss seeing it if it was not within sight and touch.

Tube gear with the tubes glowing, yes, I need to see that. Solid State rectangular boxes, not so much. 

I recently downsized from all separates to a very clean looking and versatile all-in-1 unit. Nice having all that space back! Oh and looks and also sounds wonderful! Old gear went into an audio cab with glass doors upstairs where I can see it but not in the way. Nice! Seldom have to touch anything anymore….all done remotely as needed. Except when I break out the vinyl and convert that to digital for future playback.

Does this make me a bad person? Call me heretic…..