How much of your free time is dedicated to listening to your stereo?

About 70 percent of my recreational time is used listening to my stereo. I will also be using my phone some of the time. I don't look at TV much at all. An occasional movie and two TV series. I'm a hardcore audiophile. Nothing else stimulates my dopamine reward system like music does. When I was 8 or 9 and discovered music, it was all enveloping in my life. I'm unbalanced but right now as I'm listening to PF "The Wall" I'm taken away to a rush of feelings and emotions. Like Jimi Hendrix said "Music is a safe kind of high".
I don't listen TO my stereo, I listen to music through it ;-). And when I'm not, I still hear music playing in my head, all waking hours.
I listen to music at least 1-2 hrs a day. I get home well before my wife. This is my "me"time. 
Maybe a couple hours a day. The thing is, I actually feel a bit guilty about spending time sitting in front of my stereo.  I feel I should be socializing, getting exercise, doing chores or putting time into my musical instruments. 

Yeah, I'm retired, but I actually listened to my stereo a lot more when I was working.  As it happened, I spent many years reading movie scripts, novels and comic books(!) for a major movie studio.  Through the Seventies, Eighties and early Nineties, the studio provided offices for me and my fellow readers on the lot but eventually, as a money-saving move, they tossed us off the lot and had us working from home, communicating via the newfangled internet. Suddenly, I was sitting in front of my stereo all day, reading brainless action movies, teen comedies and animated features.  I agree it was a tough life...
I am in the retired category as well. I used to do shift work and was also on callouts so I became a night owl. When everyone is in bed at one end of the house I can go to the other end and listen for as long as I care to. So, for perhaps four to five hours a night is not unusual. Let us face it. There is not much on the idiot box so that is pretty much off the list. Music is relaxing and I often read with music on in the background. When I get something new (cables, music etc.) I tend to listen more. When I was working I listened a lot less as the telephone, pager, Nextel etc. dictated my life.
However, the stereo is a means of entertainment and not a life-style or a power that needs to be obeyed meaning it does not control me as it can and does with some people I know.
Being retired and living alone gives me more time than most. I wake, do the few daily chores, then sit and listen for hours and hours. I dislike the television so it gets a very limited amount of viewing time. As I type, the song "Riverman" sung by Kurt Elling from Lee Ritenour’s "Rhythm Sessions" just produced goose bumps. There’s not enough time for all I want to hear. I want perpetual goosebumps.
If I could figure out how to manage 24/7 of music I would!
When home at least 3 hours an evening, weekend maybe 5 hours a day.
Unfortunately I work away a lot so then down to streaming from my phone or laptop and earphones with subsequent loss in impact of my " big rig"!
Generally I get 5-6 hours a week. If I get 6-7 hours a week, I feel lucky. I have a teen and a 9 year old who keep my hands full with their activities. Also need to spend weekends with family. There are these rare weekends where I get to spend 2-3 hours late into the night, which screws up the next morning. But I am so thankful to my family who support me in my hobby.

I've been in music professionally since I was 15, owned 5 stereo stores and have been designing audio forever. Listening is very close to 24/7 for me and it feels like Christmas every day.


Retired, but i considerate part of my routine to listen everyday. Use free time to spend with 
Not retired, so the tube amp is fired up most days from 6p to 11:15 --first for background while we make dinner, then I get an hour or two in the sweet spot after she goes to bed.
A lot....  sometimes through my speakers but lately I am listening to my Grado / Rupert Neve combo more especially at night .   Combined probably 4 hours a day, weekends twice that.  
What is this thing, "free time" of that you speak? I know not of this concept ... jk, sort of, well, not really ... My current lifestyle allows only one or two sessions per month, about 7 hrs per. That is about all of the free time I get right now.
Usually a 3-6 hour session 1-4 times a week. Not retired or independently wealthy so huge chunks of time wasted working for the man.
Not retired but single which obviously helps-usually get 2-4 hours a day, more on weekends