How Pathetic is Welborne Labs?

You would never believe this story. Welborne Labs sent me someone elses power supply in error. I advise welborne, they send me a return label. I ship back the power supply. I get a phone call from the person who received MY power supply from Welborne. Welborne sent them my personal info in the form of a shipping label for us to swap power supplies! Its a swap meet! AMAZING! so, I send them mine, they never send me theirs cause this 'guy' calls them and says he will send me his (cant make this up). Well, he is snowed in so he has not been able to get to a post office (and this is my problem because welborne labs is PATHETIC). Great promo for Channel Island Audio. Get your power supplies from them.
Czarivey - order a $5k flat panel the week before the super bowl and get a 13 inch b&w instead and learn that you are waiting or the guy in maine to send yours back to you (during 9 feet of he could never even send it...). Then tell us to be grateful the company is 'allowing' you guys to handle it amongst yourself.
we aren't talking about birthday gift or something super critical as super bowl. it's just a plug, an outlet unit.
i've got much better one. order toilet paper when you run out of the last ply...
Im a real football fan (not american carryball) so superbowl does not mean anything to me. My power supply was quite important, to me, which is what matters, to me. The sad part of the story is that the power supply was actually quite good.
Seems like Welborne is still having issues... I ordered a PS on 3/26 and still haven't received it.They claim they've shipped it and it was returned (although the address was correct, they could not provide a tracking # or even the method of shipping). Asked for an ETA numerous times. Finally filed a claim with my CC company. Its a bummer that WL can't get their act together.