Alright all joking aside... In order to not Use a SCREEN that will short things out, I have in the past taken Nylon Screen from your local whoever, and you take off the top of the unit and cut sections of the screen to fit nicely over the grates in the unit, attach with a decent electrical tape, the heat would probably dry out Duct tape and Masking tape won't hold anything...
You can get Grey or Black, Grey is pretty cool in contrast to black components looks sometimes.. But if your Tubes or unit run super hot electrical tape should probably hold up fine, but just in case make sure you have nylon or whatever plastic type stretchy screen material they have, cause if it falls a bit or sags it will not short anything out, but could melt a little on a tube I don't know. Currently i have nothing in my system that has anything that can be hairballed so I have not used the method in a few years.
You can get Grey or Black, Grey is pretty cool in contrast to black components looks sometimes.. But if your Tubes or unit run super hot electrical tape should probably hold up fine, but just in case make sure you have nylon or whatever plastic type stretchy screen material they have, cause if it falls a bit or sags it will not short anything out, but could melt a little on a tube I don't know. Currently i have nothing in my system that has anything that can be hairballed so I have not used the method in a few years.