How would you get into the biz?

I'm really NOT soliciting here.

I'm just thinking about how VERY difficult the high end speaker business is. It is the electronic equivalent of opening up your own restaurant. Very hard, laborious, risky, and full of nefarious types. Kind of like the concrete business. :)

What do you think are the best and worst ways?



"This is as clear as mud!!.... so is coffee, but I still like it. 
Thanks @dbtom2 !! I'll look it up.

randy-11 (sorry can't "at" you) - Well, there's things I love doing, which is designing 2 way speakers, and there's something I'd like to be: happy and rich. :-)  I'm trying to connect the two. I think of myself as a cook, trying to think of how to start a restaurant, knowing my utter and complete lack of expertise in opening or running a restaurant, but being passionate about the food I make.


How do you make a small fortune in the audio biz? 

Start off with a big fortune.

1. Know the basics of economics 2. Have a thought-out business plan 3. Know how much you need to maintain your lifestyle 4. Know who you are trying to sell to 5. Know how your design is better than the competition. This should keep you busy for a while...
There is no good way, its a dying thing totally replaced by iphone and 10$ earbuds .