I finally added a second REL Sub

It's taken me years to get to this point.  Subwoofers were 2-channel system blasphemy when I was coming up in the hobby.  As of today, I now have 2, REL T9is.  They are providing sub-bass and filling out the picture for Klipsch Cornwall IVs.  Even with a loudspeaker as massive and efficient as the Cornwall IV, they fill things out nicely.  

How pleasing it was to hear the two in unison.  I run them so low on crossover and volume that the only thing you hear is sweeter more extended highs against a fuller picture down low.  They are simply not audible in their own right.  Yes, it's true--good sub bass management helps treble and midrange.  

As a hack musician of 20 years or so, I can tune them by ear when I hear a well recorded kick drum, bass guitar and horns.  I tried tuning with mics and software but the good ol' ear does very well here.  

If you're on the fence about one or maybe a second you owe it to yourself to try it.  Is SWARM next? Doubtful.  This is, however, very pleasing indeed. 
I actually prefer the two higher quality subs (different brand) that replaced my swarm of cheapo subs.The crossovers are set approximately where the bass starts rolling off in the speakers so they blend perfectly.
Thanks for posting this, it adds more confirmation of the same. I recently returned to a dual stereo sub configuration myself.  Was not for added bass.  The sole purpose and hope was to recapture a more balanced sound stage and presentation.  I was not expecting an overall improvement in imaging and sound stage depth, and this returned as well.  I'll never go back to a single sub configuration, or will have no sub at all.