I've all the gears. Whatelse do I need?

Hello everyone,
It took me 4 months to research and get all these used gears: Triangle Celius ES, Primaluna Prologue 2, and Rega Jupiter 2000. Whatelse do I need to get these guys to make sound? I already spent $3,500 for my first Hi-fi system.
I'm running out of my bullet. I'm tryig to find something under $300 or $200 if possible. Please help. By the way, I love warm sound but very detailed sound.

Thank you,

I don't fully understand your question.

Are you saying you have already purchased speakers, CD player and an Integrated amp and you want to know what else you need to make sound? If so, the answer is you need to connect your CD player to the integrated amp with a pair of interconnect cables, connect the Integrated amp to the speakers using a pair of speaker cables, connect the power cords to a power outlet and turn it on. Put in a CD, press play and you should get sound.

If you are asking how to improve the sound, the answer isn't that simple. Yes, cables (interconnect, speaker, power) can change the sound a bit, but we don't know what issues you have with the sound now, so it is impossible to make a suggestion. Also, we don't know what cables you are using now, so making a recommendation is futile.

Pleas clarify your question. Is the system working now? Are you getting music from the system? Are you asking for technical assistance with installing your system or are you asking for recommendations to improve the sound?

BTW, the Triangle/Primaluna/Rega combination would seem to be a very good setup, although I have not heard the combination.


Try electricity-but you will have to pay monthly and it may well run be more than $300 over time.
Congratulations Chulhee, you're almost there.

For speaker wire and interconnects I would look into entry level products from Kimber, Analysis Plus, AudioQuest, MIT, Cardas or Wireworld to name a few. These are well established companies with excellent products. Good luck and happy listening.

I had Triangle Celius 202
Unison Unico And Pathos M11 amps
Jolida 100 CD Player
Audience AU24 and P/C's
It never sounded right to me. Bright and fatiguing. One hour and your ears would bleed.
I sold all my gear and somehow found Audio Note. Day and night difference. I am sure there are other companies that are as good or better than AN but it truly was the best move I ever made. I lost money but in the end I enjoy the music so much more.
It is very good gear you have but in the end you will be found wanting.
You may be mad by now but I wanted you to know from my dealings with such gear.
The Audience I/C and P/C'S would be a step in the right direction