Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks

I am purchasing an Innuos Zen MK3 with 1TB.  Will be streaming QoBuz and ripping CDs Qobuz doesn’t have, mostly extras from box sets and live sets.  I will be using the Innuos app controlling the unit from my iPad.  Please share any tips or tricks you’ve learned from running a similar setup.  For example, settings for ripping CDs etc.  


“settings for ripping CDs”
It depends on your priorities. Do you have lot of CD’s to rip? Are you able to discern differences between WAC vs FLAC?

I have upto 16TB of space, so my entire library of CD’s are in WAV. To my ears, WAV files sounds slightly better than FLAC. Even though most people cannot tell a difference between FLAC vs WAV, FLAC is a compressed file and uses more processing power to decompress whereas WAV is technically a perfect copy of the original audio file…zero compression. 


I have only ripped to Apple Music back when I had my iPod (those were the days).  I assume WAC sounds better but takes up more storage space.  I will go with WAC to maximize the sound quality.  Thanks.  

The dealer is setting it up for the Sense app so I won’t mess with it.  Access to more live Dead is tempting though.  Thanks.  

You’ll love it, I love mine and it’s been trouble free since 2020 when I bought it. The sense app is great!