I’d have to hear @b_limo ’s Fritz monitors on good Class D versus others to know which I would prefer with those specifically in that they are advertised to be a most easy load to drive (though not at all particularly efficient) and in my only listen I’ve heard them in fact sound wonderful off a flea powered tube headphone amp at a show. So they are somewhat unique and special in the sense that most any amplifier has a chance to sound good with them. Which sounds best may still well be a totally subjective call by each depending, but they definitely make life relatively easy for most any amp compared to most speakers out there these days.
@mamboni the larger Ohms like ours with large 12" Walsh style drivers in particular are definitely a unique beast as well. Not a horrible load by any stretch from what I have read and not efficient enough that I would try to run them off a flea powered tube headphone amp (though teh results might be interesting) but in my experience very responsive to different amps and gear in general upstream and I have found they tend to like lots of power and current to open up fully and benefit from corresponding higher damping factors like those found with most Class D amps.
@mamboni the larger Ohms like ours with large 12" Walsh style drivers in particular are definitely a unique beast as well. Not a horrible load by any stretch from what I have read and not efficient enough that I would try to run them off a flea powered tube headphone amp (though teh results might be interesting) but in my experience very responsive to different amps and gear in general upstream and I have found they tend to like lots of power and current to open up fully and benefit from corresponding higher damping factors like those found with most Class D amps.