joy killing refridgerator

How many of you actually have to turn the friggen thing off.Just bought brand one new hoping it would be quieter....wrong.Oh well just curious what others experiences are.
FWIW, Consumer Reports newest evaluation of refridgerators rates models on noise level.
I have an Amana. The "standard procedure" is to reach inside and turn the temp knob to off. THEN I place something on the floor, right in front of the door, as a reminder. ......Peace......
Just be glad you dont have the model that turns on the stereo when you open the door like L&H had.....
Oh yeah, this has been an ongoing problem for me as well since my listening room opens into the kitchen. I previously did the turn off routine, that ended when I forgot to turn back on too many times. I usually turn down the thermostats so the fridge doesn't run as much. My latest attempt to reduce noise was to place RPG Pro Foams between the fridge and wall (fridge fits into a small alcove), and above the fridge where it juts into cabinets. This has made things bearable, still, a newer quieter fridge is probably in the cards.
"We" got a new dishwasher that is not only much quieter (like 20db), but has a 4 hour delay feature.

As an added benefit, the household goodwill generated by the new DW allowed my recent audio purchase to pass without comment.