I have not heard the new Khorn other than in a corner, so I cannot say from my own listening experience, if they were to be excellent set up in free space, away from all walls and corners. But I speak to many Klipsch and Khorn owners ( I am talking about the new AK6 ), and none are using them far from the corners, based on their listening preference. However, based on my readings and research, the dog house on the new Khorns are ( just imo ), designed like a slot loaded sub, kind of like the older Janis W1 and W3 subwoofers, designed by John Marovskis ( I believe this is the spelling ). I met him at his Bronx warehouse on 2 occasions, once for a pair of W1s, and another for a pair of W3s. Read up on the design. If I am wrong about this, so be it, as I have been wrong once or twice before...lol. To answer @kren0006, my description of what happens ( from my own listening ) when placed in a corner, is true on all Klipsch ( again except Khorn ), and, most speakers. Corners are acoustically problematic, ime....but, if the corners are the only place for speaker location, get the speaker that has all of the other attributes you are looking for, as nothing will be optimum in a corner, but can still be enjoyable. My best, and enjoy ! Always, MrD.