Kimber PK10 vs Pangea AC-9SE

I am using a Creek Destiny 2 integrated amplifier and thinking of upgrading the power cable. There is no audio store nearby to audition both cables. Have anyone compared Kimber PK10 vs Pangea AC-9SE? Which cable sound better? Kimber PK10 is only $80 more than AC9SE.
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Cullen power cords are looking interesting to me. I was going to go pangea ac-9 and ac14se, but I think I'm going to try cullen power cords instead. search here on audiogon under the buy section for cullen. See what you think.

I am looking for a PC for my new HK 990 and am looking at trying one of the Pangea AC 9's. Is there a special place top find the AC-9SE version? I only see the AC-9 on their site.

Happy Holidays,