@aricaudio no big deal. I don't have a very memorable moniker:-)
I do have a small update regarding using the Herbies dampers on the input tube. They usually don't have a positive effect IME.One exception was with a CJ preamp that I owned long ago,but it never hurts to try a cheap tweak just to see.I ordered some larger "C wires" for a couple of $ and slipped on three of the silicone thingys on two of them. What I ended up with was the small damper on the bottom on the glass where it meets the base,the next larger damper slid up from the bottom until it made firm contact, the next right above that maybe 1/4" + .Darned if it didn't work! The unpleasant edge to the vocals disappeared.Piano is still a little sharp on the higher notes but I can live with that.So now I'm getting all of the good things this tube brings - detail, refinement, nuance,really great bass.
I really can't swear the dampers are the ultimate fix.It absolutely could be that better isolation would do the same. I actually have a much sturdier hardwood rack on order now. At present the shelves are mdf with a metal frame. Nonetheless I really like this tube and will order another to break in and see how two used as the stage following the input works.