Upon first subscribing, i found much of it childish and aimed at a very small segment of the market. Upon further examination a few issues down the road, i find it childish and aimed at a very small segment of the market : )
None the less, i do get a kick out of some of the articles. Most are pretty lacking in terms of usable info, but i "think" that these guys are at least enjoying themselves. Every once in a while, i do get some useful info out of it and will probably renew when my subscription lapses. I do wish that they would cut down on the snide remarks and at least make comments that are actually FUNNY.
Speaking of funny, who could ever follow what spewed forth out of Harvey Rosenberg's column ??? Genius or idiot, i couldn't really tell. If i had to pass judgment, i think he aimed for the former but he leaned more towards the latter in reality. Obviously, some folks found him both entertaining and informative. I found most of his columns rather inane.
I will say that i liked the work that i saw come out of AA Inmate Phil Sieg. I wonder if he'll be doing more writing for them ? I don't have much of a hankering for "mini" amps, but his stuff drips enthusiasm and i DO think that he is having fun.
Since we're travelling off the beaten path of book store glossies, i too like Bound For Sound. Needs a technical crew and a little refining, but i like Martin's style. They tend to cover gear that i think is well chosen and varies in price range. Nothing is off limits. Too bad so many manufacturers are afraid to loan him gear for review. I guess that they are not used to having to deal with someone that will offer an honest point of view ( good AND bad )and doesn't accept "advertising revenue". Don't have to worry about renewing for this one as i'm good for about another 4+ years. Sean