Listening Descriptor Chart


This chart shows common descriptions used on audio forums and how they relate to the full audio frequency spectrum. Miles Astor posted this elsewhere and I thought you might find it helpful.

Someone suggested overlaying it with the frequency ranges of common instruments, which would be pretty cool. 

It's funny but not surprising that many of the descriptors refer to issues to grab with, not successes. These phrases cost us money ;-)  Cheers,
Excellent post!  Thank you for sharing with us!

I had no idea these types of charts even existed!

I made a comment to my eldest daughter a few years ago that in my opinion music was the most complex language in the universe.

She scoffed at the old man and vemonently disagreed.

I forwarded her the link to both charts.

Here's a cheat sheet for EQ'ing. It also useful for seeing the frequencies where you might have some problems.
Never seen a chart like that. The amount of thought and effort that went into it must have been more than a bit taxing. 

I can imagine all the ruminating right now on how to incorporate full scale equalization to combat all that's thought wrong with one's system, using that chart as a guide.😄Thanks.

All the best,
Glad to see I’m not the only one who got a kick out this.

When I look at both together it makes me second-guess using small band recordings only to judge how my system is handling the whole spectrum. We're gonna need a bigger band! Cheers,
