Looking for a simple but exquisite front end

I just bought a pair of ATC SCM 19A's and was wondering if the Audiolab 9000N would be a good choice. Apparently the speakers require an active preamp. I have no idea if the preamp section in the Audiolab is active or passive, or if this is even a solution. Please help. First pair of powered speakers, active or otherwise.



All you should need is a standard preamp (apparently not passive) and preferably one with balanced outputs as the speakers look like they only have XLR inputs.  Which preamp you choose should be based on what sonic characteristics you’re looking for as the ATCs are a pretty blank slate so the preamp can greatly influence the sound you ultimately hear.  If you haven’t already I’d suggest reading a lot of reviews to see which preamps match best for your tastes and demo as many as possible preferably in your own system if at all possible.  Best of luck.

weare an Atc dealer with actives on display

we recomend an naim uniti tom he


you get a balanced preamp a dac and streamer and even a headphone amplifier

Naim gear sounds great is well made and as a fantastic app.

dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ

atc and Naim dealers

@OP - Passive preamps - in effect a volume pot  in a box - are as rare as hen's teeth. Even buffered passives, which are part active are rare,  so you have a wide range of active preamps to choose from.

The best approach is to find a good dealer and listen to a few alternatives in your price range.