Looking for best streamer without DAC under $3500

I currently run Metrum Ambre with Metrum Onyx and really enjoy it, but am looking to upgrade to a better streamer that has spotify among other aps. Currently looking at Lumin U1 mini, Auralic, etc.

Curious what others think
Stereophile reviewed a couple of servers in the two most recent issues, Innous Statement and Wolf something or other, with the cheapest being about $10,000. Both of them were compared to the Roon Nucleus+ with an upgraded power supply - total cost about $3400. The Roon more than held its own.
You can't output to an external DAC with the D2 correct? The T2 has the ability, but the D2 has to stay in the box?
$3500 budget for a streamer to stream Spotify?? Ummm, ok, lol.  Sounds like a serious set-up... why not use qobuz, tidal, amazon hd?  $3500 streamer and spotify go together like a 911 turbo and 85 octane 👍
@creativepart  Have you ever had the firmware corrupt on you  requiring you to burn a new microsd and put it on? I find that a bit annoying.