Looking for phono preamp advice in the $1000 - $1600 range

I am thinking of upgrading my current Vincent PHO-701 hybrid phono stage to something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and still would make a meaningful improvement.

The chain I have now is Rega P8 with Hana SL LOMC cart, the Vincent phono stage, PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium (tube) preamp, McIntosh MC312 (solid state) power amp, and GoldenEar Triton One.R speakers.

My armchair research has identified e.g. the following phono stages in a reasonable $1000 - $1600 (depending on which and demo/used vs. new):

  • KTE LCR-1 MK5 / MK5S (hard to find)
  • MUSIC HALL Analogue A3 Vacuum Tube Phono Preamplifier
  • Sutherland Engineering Insight LPS
  • Sutherland TZ VIBE (with its intriguing transimpedance concept)
  • Project Phono Box RS2 MM/MC Phono
  • Hagerman Audio Labs Trumpet MC (many positive reviews, with comments that it would benefit from an updated external power supply which, if so, would add additional $$)

Any recommendations or insights into these, or others in my price range, given my surrounding equipment would be greatly appreciated!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbimmerlover

+1 for the Manley Chinook, which can be found within your budget if you're patient. I've recently acquired a used recent example, not an Upscale version, and it's fantastic--quiet as could be, a soundstage that's wide, deep, high and precise with realistic sized instruments and in-the-room images of voices. I'd driving it with a Grado Reference3 on a Well Tempered Classic, into a Mod Squad Line Drive, then MC60s and QUAD ESL63s.

I also currently run a Modwright PH 9.0XT but prior to that I used an E.A.T E-Glo Petit that was terrific and usually available used for around $1k. I could have easily lived with the E-Glo but got a good deal on the Modwright, which is an end game product for me. It's definitely better, but not by as much as you'd think given the price difference.

Lot’s of great suggestions here, only chiming in as another GoldNote PH-10 owner. It does require the LPS to get the best out of it but it’s very good and I’ve spoken with several dealers/distributors other than the guy I bought of from who say it’s tough to beat unless you spend double the money.

I would also add I take advantage of its balanced output which I find is quieter and has cleaner, higher output which I don’t think you can leverage with your pre. Not that that should be a deal killer.





Off topic with this discussion, but how did you fix the ground loop issue?


I built an SP14 and am having ground issues.


13 pages of discussion on DIYAudio, and still the hum persists…

