Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 21 responses by mahgister

This impeachment is way beyond incredible...I am speechless...

" I believe in the incredible, the credible do not need me" Groucho Marx
 " Why do you vote for this idiot? He needed me" Groucho Marx to his brother Harpo.

Sometimes ago, there exist 2 empires of lies...One imploded on the pression of truth...

The other one survives for a moment, but truth being truth, the other one was imploding right now under our eyes...

" What is truth? " - A roman governor of Judea

"Truth is like bread, you love it more when there is none"  Groucho Marx
Tree are the real value in this world, some tree are many thousand years old... Those who thinks that money has any value except for mechanical utility are deluded...Money has absolutely no value at all...It is a means...The 
Perhaps if real news of the world existed for a day or two, in the daily news of the various popular newspapers of America, you will know the real damage to the USA, the total destruction of all alliances and treatises, this clown singled handly promotes in a total irrational frenzy never seen by anybody in the 20 th century...

All people that worked with this man are nowhere to be seen anymore...His formidable empty crooked brain creates the void...I am speechless...Really...No Hollywood script can produce his like in a film...Because Cinema must be believable...I dont even believe that he can exist and some can vote for that to this day...Then naming him the greatest of all history is …. I had no words.... Perhaps the simple word that came to my mind is good enough I will not say it...

"Never hire more intelligent man than you" Groucho Marx
" Remember John Bolton" Donald trump
" You are fired !" Donald trump
3,695 posts01-27-2020 9:35pmPravda is just Rubles washed into dollars....
Your post is a candid illustration of my point about the total absence of international news, and the total ignorance of the world scene in the American media...Russia dont need US dollars no more for years...Asia go with them, and the world wait …. Then Pravda can be just rubles washed into rubles...If I can correct … :)
Gore Vidal has that which lacks to Roy Cohn, a real working brain... A great writer also, and a great politician brain too intelligent to be trusted by some crowds...

" The honest brain only think, the crook’s brain walk " Groucho Marx
"Good night to all friends and foes, after all, rest only naught" Groucho Marx
You know that Millercarbon, because in the electorate pool of Trump voters, you are a luminary, a stellar brain mastering logic, the ordinary Trump voter does not even know the word rubles... :)

You are so to speak an Einstein in the Trump crowds. I said it seriously...I respect your intelligence even if I mock your vote...But like my wife said often to me, intelligence is not good judgment... :)

There is no democracy possible without thinking voters, without education democracy does not exist except on the manipulated theater...

The dumbing down is studied well by some scholars (Chomsky etc).

Trump is surfing on this wave of ignorance that touch the sky with modern illiteracy created by entertainment tv first, and now with greater power with phones...

Some think that connecting brain with A.I. will make them smart seriously... (Kurzweil)
 What can we say exceeding this limit?

The spectacle of very intelligent man walking with no clues to their fate is amazing...The only explanation for this is greed for power and fears...

Most of them feels now like rats in the watering boat, they will turn against each other to save their skin...

"Soak the boat and kills the rats" Groucho Marx
" The Devil said to me : what took you so long" Groucho Marx :)

" There is no climate changes, we live in a four seasons country only" Groucho Marx

You are not a warmer but a birther... Ok you want that we listen to 45 minutes of this Trump very emotional biography... Really I almost cry for the few beginning minute...I will listen to it tomorrow if you listen to these 4 minutes youtube...

Bloomberg on Trump the last one minute

" Lies are pocket money" Groucho Marx

I think we must go back to climate changes debate if we want to rescue millercarbon… :)

After all he is the OP of this thread and we must help him...
Trump plays 4-d chess....For sure...

"No commentary is commentary" Groucho Marx

Millercarbon, I trust more the advice about Trump given during his election campaign by Bloomberg the ex mayor of New-York, "The little crooks of New-York i know them well "
Anybody can see that Trump is void of any real decency...
There is one thing that work for Trump, except for the teaching help of his father and of his other crooked mentor in the beginning and this is luck... The man has more luck than all the New-York state population...

But even luck has a date of expiration....

If he was a friend of mine by the way of fate,i will advise him not to trouble himself in buying casinos to be rich, I will advise him to buy a ticket... Deal done...

This story is true:

«What that takes to be elected great marshal of the French empire your majesty, ask a beautiful woman to Napoleon...
He smile and said nothing...
The woman said: "I know he must be courageous..."
The emperor was smiling but staying mute...
Another older woman answered :" He must be intelligent your majesty for sure ? "
The emperor was laughing...
A teen lady walk in, saying candidly " He must be good with the arms and strong on horses"
The emperor was too much laughing to answer immediately...But at the end says that: " My dear ladies what use would be a strong, courageous, intelligent, able with arms Marshall if he is not lucky? He can die the first day of battle."
And all were laughing with the Emperor...

" Luck is the opposite of truth, we ask for luck when there is none" Chico Marx

" If God judge you what will you say? it is all an act " Groucho Marx

" The only problem with lies is tracking them in old age" Groucho Marx
I dreamed a bad dream about a world without elephants and tigers...How sad...Elephant are more mythical beast than ordinary animals... They mourn their dead one...

I hope human will keep them aboard the ship... They speak to our soul without any words...A world without animals cannot be human...

" Darwin was wrong, all devolute" Groucho Marx

Do you know the name of the mentor and friend of Trump in the beginnings of his business?

That says all... Read that and between the lines you will understand...

This Roy Cohn was also the mentor of the Senator McCarthy, illustrious creative and manipulative grey mind behind the communists witch hunt that destroy careers and lifes...

There is an instructive amazing debate on tv between Roy Cohn and Gore Vidal... (youtube)

"Rats of the same color like sunbathing together" Groucho Marx

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