Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
"OMG!  WAPO Truth Tellers!  RUN!"

It hurts!The painthepainthepain....

Sorry, I avoid hagiographies like the plague. To say he's prescient glosses over the fact that there's lots of people like him and he just happened to make it to the top, which exposed him on a national and  worldwide basis. 

You see it's all an act. Right after Trump won, his son Eric, was confronted by a Muslim comedian (the name escapes me). Eric told him to relax, that it's all an act for them.

In the new book, A Very Stable Genius (just out), Scaramucci , asks Trump if it's all an act. Trump replied that it is and always was, and that he didn't understand why people didn't get it.

Personally, I'd love to see him testify, but he never will. Back when Dowd was prepping him for Mueller, he called it off and said if Trump did testify, he (Dowd) would end up in an orange jumpsuit, right next to him. The man is barely controllable and flies off the handle on a second's notice. He'd implicate himself in a matter of minutes.

All the best,
" If God judge you what will you say? it is all an act " Groucho Marx

" The only problem with lies is tracking them in old age" Groucho Marx
I think we must go back to climate changes debate if we want to rescue millercarbon… :)

After all he is the OP of this thread and we must help him...
Nonoise, that'd be the best bit of 'reality television' we could ever hope for....  Horribly sad, and ultimately hard to watch....but an object lesson in the cost of hubris....

Darnold's spent his life ducking hook, crook, and sheer bluster.....but the chickens do eventually come back to the roost....

...but when the chickens come home hungry for their pound of flesh....

It would be hard to watch a man shatter before one's eyes....or attempt to maintain the image he's spent so long creating melt.

Just desserts....
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