Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
There is no democracy possible without thinking voters, without education democracy does not exist except on the manipulated theater...

The dumbing down is studied well by some scholars (Chomsky etc).

Trump is surfing on this wave of ignorance that touch the sky with modern illiteracy created by entertainment tv first, and now with greater power with phones...

Some think that connecting brain with A.I. will make them smart seriously... (Kurzweil)
 What can we say exceeding this limit?

The spectacle of very intelligent man walking with no clues to their fate is amazing...The only explanation for this is greed for power and fears...

This just in: Mark Short, former aide to Trump and now for Pence, says Pence never heard what Bolton told Trump. And Romney is openly calling for Bolton to testify.

The knives are coming out...
Most of them feels now like rats in the watering boat, they will turn against each other to save their skin...

"Soak the boat and kills the rats" Groucho Marx
Good Lord Miller.
You truly are serious aren't you?

Trump is for real.

DYODD. Please. The man is for real.

Look into the Central Park skating rink, the lady living rent free in Trump tower, the mugging he jumped out of the limo to stop, the guy who stopped to help change a tire and got his mortgage paid off, on and on and on. Obama said those jobs are not coming back- now the economy is so good they won't even talk about it. That's how you know its all fake. They go on and on and on Trump is this Trump is that- where's the evidence behind any of the negative stories? I asked the rabid dem at work, why is he racist? What has he actually done? Give me one example! Nada.
Plus- and this is the best part of all- go watch how consistent Trump has been over the years. Like he's been planning for this his whole life.I see YouTube is doing its usual thing making it impossible to find what you're looking for, which they always do when they don't want you finding it. So maybe tomorrow. But seriously=
DYODD. Please. Trump is for real.
Trump plays 4-d chess....For sure...

"No commentary is commentary" Groucho Marx

Millercarbon, I trust more the advice about Trump given during his election campaign by Bloomberg the ex mayor of New-York, "The little crooks of New-York i know them well "
Anybody can see that Trump is void of any real decency...
More to discover