Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
What I don’t understand about many of the "informed" here is how and why they direct their ire to those to the sides of them and to those below them when the perps who are behind their misery reside above them.

Loyalty to an abstract in the hopes of someday rubbing shoulders with them or deluding themselves into thinking that someday it will all be theirs as well confounds.

Homelessness is a natural and predictable outcome as the inequality gap grows. Estimates of the working homeless in LA is around 50%. These are people who hold down jobs but can’t afford housing, let alone rent. They live in their cars and motorhomes, or if lucky, crash on a couch or floor of a friend.

If a living wage were paid, that would solve that, and it would cut down on taxes (for food stamps, housing, etc.) that we shouldn’t be paying to subsidize companies who refuse to pay those living wages. Talk about takers.

All the best,
I don't understand why we are talking about people cleaning up poop in SF? And that article is misleading $112k is in benefits not actual pay. Northern CA is a victim of its own success in terms of the housing and homelessness crises no one argues that. However it was success based on a progressive state and local government. Contrast that with say Kansas where former Governor Brownback who kept lowering and lowering taxes and destroyed his states economy.
It is impossible to convince someone with facts or logical arguments...In fact it is impossible to convince no one at all, except those which own a spirit open to the truth...Because it is always the truth that convince us never someone... And truth is no one property...It is a personal and collective unending quest...Truth is a direction toward which no crowd can ever look at...

It is already difficult to be civilized discussing audio hobby...Imagine a subject so complex that we must think really about it to understand it a bit...Do you think that many here will admit that by them selves they dont have a clue? They cannot because they are no more an individualized spirit, they are all each one of them by himself a crowd, no more someone unique looking for truth...They are behind a flag, in the proper sense or metaphorically...

For example climate matters are really, really complex subjects integrating dozen of sciences, not only climatology...Actually climatology is even linked fundamentally to the astrophysics of the solar system... Then do you think that someone who read even a good press if that thing exist can understand what is at play now? No, not at all, most will adjust their nose to the wind like animals in fear and their opinions will only reflect that direction, nothing else....There is really great changes in earth and humanity now, and we must think about that, and act, in one spirit turned toward the truth...Not toward the flag of an idea, or a country, or of a group of interest, or a lobby....Toward the invisible flag of truth....

So, we have to be open to something that cannot be owned and which is unique and unobtainable that will lead us to something no one can see. 

Got it. 👍

No offense, just thought some humor would be nice.

All the best,

No offense at all...

Your line is not only very good, spiritual, but absolutely exact...Your understanding is for me a great pleasure....Your line reflect what the human spirit really is... Only dogs or crowds look for something they can see, owns, manipulate or eat or copulate with....

Thanks to put something light in my too much seriousness... I confess that I am not a subtle and always light spirit...

My best to you indeed... :) I really smile....
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