Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Thanks for your balance reply and polite one...

I am not a biologist at all, then ignorant for all these matters...But looking at various climatic geological scales will only reveal the regular periodical instabilities, or homeostasis of earth and the cosmic exterior influences...

The fact that human activities accelerate or contribute to reverse some trends is the crux of the matter...I dont think it is possible to humans now only by themselves to revert earth cycles, but to act in unity without increasing the worst to comes is the goal, not going on with past used economic concepts that applied no more to what will comes ...

Lesson from the past in human life or in earth life is only this one: Nothing is perfectly stable... But we can and must consciously adjust ourselves, especially now it is possible for the first times in human history...

Negation of changes, pursuit of the same economic habits had no more sense...
"We have only four years left." ___ James Hanson, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a division of NASA. Predicted in 2009. 

An ignorant chap who read that could be led to believe that the actual end of the world was at stake. What Hanson was saying was the tipping point of being able to keep rising temps within a 1ºC rise over a certain time frame was at stake.

One must be wary about how info is presented.

All the best,
Hmmm, what to do?  I think I’ll go with the opposite of whatever Frank says. 
"We have only four years left." ___ James Hanson, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a division of NASA. Predicted in 2009.


Very easy to deform truth indeed...

This was not false doom prediction, this is an urgent invitation to act after his own reading analysis models conclusion and to act at the right times window, being right scientifically speaking or being wrong is always a possibility and a chapter in science history; but not urging to act in your soul and spirit when you think so is criminal...

Then cititation out of the context of this model analysis window that urge humans to act, interpretating that like a doom prediction only, and after that suggesting that this prediction is patently false because we are all here, this is bordering on fraud practice at worst, stupid political propaganda at best...I dont know what your profession is but like mine it is not science...

This guy is not an angel nor Einstein and many serious people criticize his exaggerated interpretation but it is no excuse for you( not a climate scientist or are you one of his peer?) to reduce him to be a total fraud by linking his urge to act to doom prophecy only...

Balance of views on many levels is the culprit of thinking process...

I apologize for a second times I think to nonoise that say the same thing shorter and better than me before me, I confess to have many human defects...:)
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