Lumin how do i get next song in playlist???

This app is horrible. I highlighted a playlist. It has populated the right panel with a list of the songs. I Play the first song and after done it starts playing the next song from the left panel List

How do I get it to play the song next in the playlist in the right panel???

I’m searching for a manual, but my God why do I have to read a manual every time only use this damn thing?

I like the appearance of this app but it’s so damn difficult to use. I guess I’m so stupid I should not be using it


I have the Lumin T2 and love it as a streamer. The app takes some getting used to as you've discovered. Adding songs to playlists is not intuitive and to my knowledge there is no way to organize the songs/ albums within a playlist. But the app is generally stable and I can get it to do what I need it to.   

Ever since I got the T2 I've completely gotten off the whole streamer/ DAC of the month merry go round. I just enjoy the music now and don't really have any desire to upgrade.  

Oh and to answer your cant just search for an album and begin playing it from track 3 and expect it to advance to the next song.

You need to add it to a playlist first. Then it will advance. 

I'll echo that using a tablet is far better. I've grown to like queuing up what's to be played and with the way mine is setup, once the que is done playing, it stops playing music and doesn't start again from the top.