Great cables and the plus is worth it. Work fine with 6 ohm speaker, tubes or solid state. They weigh almost nothing so even overseas shipping is pretty cheap.
Mapleshade Double Helix spker cable: Rating??
You rarely see the Mapleshade Double Helix speaker wire on sale on Audiogon. Need some feedback on their sound quality and how they rate with cables like Nordost Red Dawn LS; Analysis Plus Oval 9 Black; Silnote Reference.
I have read the "Plus" version which tacks on another $110.00 only provides marginal improvement. I don't want to order the cable in either version, and then return them. I live overseas and it's a hassle and expensive. For those who either own them, or tried them, is there any problem using the cable with a 6 ohm speaker, or a tube?? integrated. Thank you
I have read the "Plus" version which tacks on another $110.00 only provides marginal improvement. I don't want to order the cable in either version, and then return them. I live overseas and it's a hassle and expensive. For those who either own them, or tried them, is there any problem using the cable with a 6 ohm speaker, or a tube?? integrated. Thank you
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