I have heard these speakers , don't remember which model , a few years ago and really enjoyed their sound . I would like to know if they would work in my 10' X 10' room . My listening position is @ 6ft. from the face of my present speakers . If the answer is yes , what models would you suggest ? Would a different manufactures ESP work better ? Suggestions please .
6 ft is too close for SL3. The bass won't integrate well with the panel. I won't recommend panel speaker for near field listening. But if you must, pick a smaller model and add a sub.
Saki70, I use to own the Sequal II and the Acsent and they sounded there best when pulled out into the room about 6-7 feet from the wall and listening chair about 8-10 feet from face of speaker. I think the Logans will need some room to breath in order to get that wide open sound there noted for. I don't know about the newer models.
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