Maybe buying a different amp

The amp I've been using is going on a little over 20 years old and thinking about a different one and have my eye on possibly a Mcintosh MC352 or a Bryston 4B3 and both are around the same price. They would driving a pair of PMC PB1i and have read that PMC and Bryston have a sort of synergy for some reason.

Any comments please?


MC352 and I've been using a B&K and I figured on spending up to 5k new or used.

There isn't much available in my area to visit and hear and mostly go by online reviews and threads on this forum for ideas.


If you have spent years reading professional reviews and auditioning the units you have read about, then one can make good decisions made on the basis of reviews. However, if not… then one is looking for “better”.

The problem is that this completely leaves your own preferences out of it. So, for instance the really highly rated: Boulder, Luxman, Pass, Krell, Audio Research, Conrad Johnson and McIntosh have completely different sounds… if say you look at each of their $20K / units amp. There are only one in that list I would be happy with, and a total of three that I could live with.


Take a trip! Find the house sound you are drawn to.

I really think a road trip is in order for an expense of this magnitude. Your other option is to buy online and keep flipping them until you find what you’re looking for. Overture Audio is in Delaware and might be worth a visit.

I have a mac 352, a Pass 250, Hegal 390, Accuphase 380. Before you decide Check out the Hegal and If your budget allows the 590. The Mac is ok, depending what speakers you will be using. The Pass and the Hegal wont care what speakers you use. If you have a large room and inefficient speaker I would avoid the 352. IMO it sounds better when its not driven hard,