McIntosh 2100

what do you guys think of the McIntosh 2100 to run vandy 2ce sig II there is one in my area for 500.00 i think i could offer 4 and have it. do you tink that 105 rms is enough power and i have heard that it actually peaks higher than its rating.
Just an update, Got a new McIntosh C2300 tube preamp that goes with my two SS MC2100 sound like Heaven.
Has anyone paired an MC2100 with a C2200 preamp by any chance ?

I'm looking to buy both (Against (money) reason but isn't it what love - and good deals which might never come up again* - is all about ?) but from 2 different people so listening is out of the question (not to mention that neither has the speakers I intend use them with).

I don't see why they wouldn't be great together but there is quite an "age" difference between the 2.

Thanks in advance !

*I live in France so McIntosh lovers aren't as common as in North America...
Just want to update, I just bought the C220 tube pre to match with my two MC2100
Ok I got two MC 2100 now that it's set to mono (210 watts) and wow! It really woke the vandersteen 2CE Sig II, it is so much cleaner more transparent. Along with my Integra pre pro and my new oppo bdp95, it amazing, everything just matched up perfectly.
I Just recently bought a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Signature II that is now being driven by my MC2100. Let me tell you, the sound quality, the staging and the transparency is excellent, It seems like Vandersteen and McIntosh are made for each other. NOW I'm planning to buy another MC2100 so I can use it as a mono block. What do you guys think?
Update my local audio store hooked me up with a belles hot rod 150a for 600 and man do i love its sound now onto replacing the pre-amp. .
hmm i have heard nothing but good things about the MAC but i have also read good review on the PA-5 and seven makes it hard to decide. . i could get the PA 5 for around 400
I think that you should hold out and look for another Mac. They come around frequently. I don't think there is a substitute. I used a Morrisson Elad Pre for years and it was great, but the Joule Electra I'm using now is better.

yeah sounds awesome but the gentleman will not talk to me about the amp. I am now considering a nakamichi PA-7 or a PA-5 mkii. two pa-5 mkii actually. there is on in my area and one on ebay i think two running in mono will sound awesome what do you guys think?
Mcintosh Mc-2100!! Get it !

I sold mostly my gears except Mc-2100 & c-15 pre.
I have mine for almost 3 years now and love it.

Tube pre-amp....If you can afford Cary SLp-98L

These will a perfect combo!! ( sold mine recently & will buy again when time forgiven ).

Good luck.pescolar
ps what preamp do you recomend. . i have heard tubes are good but honestly i wanna stay away from costly tubes i was thinking about a passive pre like the TLC-1. .
ok thats cool. . i think the guy might have been offended at my offer since it was a bit lower than the 500 should i write him back and go 450 or just buy it for 500? the logo is broke on it and he says the fins are a bit dented but still works fine according to him. also what do yopu think of the MC7100
Buy it. You will love it, and you will never regret it. It will drive the Vandersteens with plenty of power to spare.
I loved my McIntosh MC-2100. I had mine for about 2 years, and I found it to be a fantastic vintage amp that has a nice tube-like sound without being round or lumpy. It still has the control of a solid state amp, but it's not as etched sounding as the solid states they started making just a few years later.

I have never driven Vandersteens, but I used my 2100 to drive a pair of Thiel 2.2 speakers, and they are notorious for wanting loads of quality power. I can say that the Mac drove them with aplomb, and would have no qualms recommending this amp to anyone. It won't win any beauty competitions, but at $400 if it's in good condition you should jump on it.

- Dusty