McIntosh 2100

what do you guys think of the McIntosh 2100 to run vandy 2ce sig II there is one in my area for 500.00 i think i could offer 4 and have it. do you tink that 105 rms is enough power and i have heard that it actually peaks higher than its rating.
Just want to update, I just bought the C220 tube pre to match with my two MC2100
Has anyone paired an MC2100 with a C2200 preamp by any chance ?

I'm looking to buy both (Against (money) reason but isn't it what love - and good deals which might never come up again* - is all about ?) but from 2 different people so listening is out of the question (not to mention that neither has the speakers I intend use them with).

I don't see why they wouldn't be great together but there is quite an "age" difference between the 2.

Thanks in advance !

*I live in France so McIntosh lovers aren't as common as in North America...
Just an update, Got a new McIntosh C2300 tube preamp that goes with my two SS MC2100 sound like Heaven.