Members with No Feedback


Has anyone noticed an increase of members with little or no Feedback? I have had 9 responses to my most recent ad--4 with no Feedback, and 4 with low Feedback. I realize that we all have to start somewhere; but this seems a little strange...
Ag insider logo xs@2xpretender
Rlawry, thats all well and good but I still wouldnt feel comfortable selling a expensice amp or speakers to some guy who bought only 5 $6.00 albums.
my practice with a zero feedback buyer and seller is to proceed with appropriate caution, and base my decision to complete the transaction on the dialog with the person (ie email or voice). Depending on the transaction size, I may respectfully ask the person to provide personal backround to validate their credentials (and I usually apologize with an explanation that the web is a dangerous business-place, and offer to provide them more of my credentials if they like).
If the person isn't forthcoming when I make this request then the deal will not proceed. I've never had anyone balk at this request, by the way.
I think many are forgetting that feedback is not just a number. Comments are included and sometimes that can reveal much more than just a number rating can.

Maybe it is hard to get a negative rating accepted but positive ratings can run the gamut from "thank you" to "great packaging, prompt shipment, excellent condition, I would definitely purchase from/sell to this person again".

When I purchase I do not just look at the score. I read some of the ratings until I get a feel for the seller. I know that does not answer the question regarding memebers with no rating but I wanted to interject my thoughts since the rating system as a whole seemed to be under suspicion.
I have only had one transaction with a newbie with zero feedback, and this was for a relatively expensive pair of speakers that I sold to him. But I only got that warm fuzzy after a good long phone conversation. He turned out to be a very nice guy and it was one of the better deals I have had on Agon. And he was very grateful for getting a leg up with positive feedback for his first transaction. That was a couple of years ago before the influx of scammers here. I'm not sure if I would be quite so trusting today.

I've been a member for a few years. I mostly used the site for the forums. When i started making offers i'd always include my phone number. This was for two reasons, first i wanted the person selling to know i wasn't messing around. Second, i was a little worried about sending money to someone i didn't know hoping i'd get what was in the ad. So i guess it works both ways. But i don't think i'd buy from someone with no feedback. To sell not that big of a deal, imho.
