Memory foam as bass treatment?

Can memory foam, say from a bed, be used as a bass trap?  

I ask because I might repurpose a queen-sized memory foam mattress.







The memory foam will absorb some frequencies and can cut back on reflections. 
You need to give it a try.
Maybe start in the corners, or first reflection points. I don’t think they will absorb the low low frequencies.
We all have to start somewhere. Hopefully you will eventually move up the food chain and acquire devices that are specifically made to treat audio rooms.

I have tried numerous absorption and diffuser devices over the years. The only DIY ones that remain in my room are the 20” tube traps that I built and the diffuser cones on the front wall.

The ones specifically manufactured for room acoustics works the best.

Give it a try, you got nothing to lose and maybe something to gain.

Joe Nies

Thanks, guys.  

I did some research after posting (should probably have done that first) and the consensus was that it isn’t too effective.


I have lots of GIK panels but was considering ordering a few more and I have this mattress taking up space so thought I might cut it up.  Have since decided not to and order a few more instead.


@audiodwebe That’s the best way to go. 
I like the GIK devices. Their prices are reasonable?

Joe Nies