Meridian dsp

They look expensive but I really like that the component matching has been done and I know exactly how much it's going to cost. I've been buying and selling used speakers the last 5 years and ended up selling because I couldn't afford rolling the dice on sota components. I  bought a pair of 8000's used and I'm done, well could have been done but my obsession drove me to update them.
Anybody else chicken out on buying a pair of speakers they can afford because integrating a system can get so expensive?
Having good room acoustics is often simplifying.

A good sounding room will be much more welcoming to a variety of speakers, and help you hear the electronics much more clearly.

Those who play roulette with gear and cables in my mind are often trying to achieve a sound they heard elsewhere, not realizing how much of it was the room to begin with.
Sorry, do not understand the question. What I do, which is what you and everyone else should do, is bring the speakers home for audition. Then if you like them, guess what? Boom. They are integrated. Your system is integrated.
Integrated by the way, means connected together. See: integrated amp.

So the minute you connect your speakers, they are integrated. What else would they be?
If I understand you correctly you are asking for opinions about DSP with room correction and whether or not you should try speakers equipped with it? As mentioned above, DSP controlled speakers with room correction will go a long way in dealing with room issues. Basic passive room treatment should be implemented to whatever extent possible first. Also, DSP will not transform bad speakers into good ones. One would think that companies that offers speaker systems that are active and DSP controlled are well integrated and should perform well. Also mentioned above, having the speaker system in your own home is the ultimate test. Good DSP system also help with component integration. 

We designed our DSP controlled speaker systems from the beginning to be DSP controlled and encourage our customers to use amplifiers of their choice. Good DSP is very transparent. Some people prefer tube amplification and others SS. The character of the pre-amp and amps does shine through.

So, the system you mentioned might be good but that doesn't guaranty you will like it. DSP or not, systems have their own character.
I read enough threads and have had my own disappointment because as Eric pointed out I’ve bought speakers from dealers after extensive time in a store demo only to be gut punched when I get them home and can’t reproduce the sound that attracted me to them in the first place. My solution was to go with dsp speakers and the synergy is better out of the box than anything I was ever able to cobble together myself.
I’m asking if dsp systems like the kii 3, or M, or the others are rejected out of hand or would you try them?