Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 





Thanks for the repost. I went back and found the original and sent it off to Tammy with my comments. Thanks so much. Tom

I should have said ferrous metal door was removed. And the music does go nuts.  Thanks for giving me the opportunity to correct my original post. And notice I didn't state which nonferrous materials I experimented with during listening tests, and which sounded best to the three of us in the group. Tom

@theaudiotweak :

I know who you were in the past and you would harass one and all. You are worthless for sure never a positive always a negative.

It’s not going to work. He will always come back, as he finds a way. As they say, three things are certain in life: 1) Death, 2) Taxes and 3) Deluded dude coming back to Audiogon over and over. Human equivalent of malware


Here is the list of his previous (all banned) usernames:

























interior breaker box whose metal door was removed because the music plays better when off

You know that's a code violation. I would assume anywhere in the USA. Plus it's nuts.

I’ve never experienced digital glare either. Instead of smearing useless goop everywhere try REW and a measurement microphone. If you have glare it’s probably sibblance around 4khz, EQ until you have a decent FR and if that’s not possible get some decent speakers and treat the room. It sure isn’t the wires.

I have a hard time believing that one can tell the position of the breaker box door, by listening to music/


… The rack is mechanically grounded to the concrete floor  with 2.5 inch brass Audiopoints..The treated breaker box  is 8 feet from my system and has The Gate mounted inside.. The breaker box  is 35 feet from the ground mounted transformer outside. On the meter outside I treated it with the same mix of metals in paint that I applied to the interior breaker box whose metal door was removed because the music plays better when off.  That's all about that. Tom

.Reduced glare? Why is there any at all? Probably should reconnoiter elsewhere in your system.

That's a tough one sometimes to track down, glare and hardness are both similar and interchangable I guess but I discovered at times it can be caused by a gain stage, when the volume is raised. Removing the gain stage alleviates it. I got lucky discovering specifically that setting my itube2 to unity gain preserved its benefits without added glare or hardness as the volume was turned up but every system is different, YMMV I suppose. Then I suppose there is the glare that's not too noticable until it's removed, which is what I think OP was referring to but that's just my take on his comments about it.

I know who you were in the past and you would harass one and all. So I am going to request Tammy track your IP address and compare it with a few other names. You are worthless for sure never a positive always a negative.Anyone wish to post the harassers previous names or send me a PM.  You are the root cause of glare..Tom

I don’t think anyone here struggles with the reality that you’ve never had an issue with digital glare. The person who has an issue with a "dose of reality" seems to be you, who apparently can’t accept that your experience isn’t universal.

Perhaps you need to consider that your logic is flawed. Human experience is not exactly universal, but close enough. Checks the calendars. It's 2022. If you are experiencing anything that you call glare related to "digital", then you either have really poor equipment, or your equipment is broken. If you think it has "glare" because your analog does not, then you need to understand what your analog system is doing to "soften" the sound. A good DAC in 2022, unless your system is broken, does nothing but output the analog exactly as intended. There is no glare.

Convincing yourself it is "glare" when it is not, is a surefire way to ensure you never find or fix the problem. Do you want to be an audiophile with a broken system blaming "digital" or do you want to get to the root cause? 

@ozzy  I have been watching from the sidelines, trying and liking very much the NPS1250 and curious about the Q45t, when also the nano-flo came in the mix. If you get more testing done i will be grateful to hear your and others opinions, marc.

@cleeds : our "friend" has learned to adapt with Audiogon forums. And rightly so, after being banned and resurfaced at least a dozen times. He has learned the lesson, after 13 tries. Now instead of saying "you are delusional" to audiophiles (which he certainly hates with passion), he says something like "I am sorry a dose of reality is too much for you". Just as offensive, insulting, and condescending, but polite enough not to be kicked out of forums.


I am sorry if a dose of reality is too much for you. I have never had anything I would call digital glare.

I don’t think anyone here struggles with the reality that you’ve never had an issue with digital glare. The person who has an issue with a "dose of reality" seems to be you, who apparently can’t accept that your experience isn’t universal.

@deludedaudiophile that point 3 before yours almost looks like were have been expertly trolled.


This one:

So I purchased my PS Audio Lamda transport from Peter Israelson who until recently was a tech, builder and designer for High Fidelity Cables makers of the 1260 and Q45 contact enhancer..Spoke with Peter today about glare digital and otherwise and he had the same experience as me. On some music we would both reach for the remote in anticipation of the glare that we knew was fast approaching and turn the volume down. With the application of Nano Flo there was no glare.

I can post all the mods and tweeks this transport has been thru.. New choke  power supply board with Nichicon Gold filter caps.with several film and foil bypass caps,.upgraded zener diodes, Vampire rca digital, new upgraded digital clock board, circuit boards mounted with brass standoffs and brass screws. CDM Pro9 transport and drawer treated with AVM coating, Star Sound CD Cirkulus tophat , cryo treated magnet instead of fuse, upgraded ac input..there is more likely.  Oh it sits in the center of a custom Sistrum Sp5 rack that has brass rods instead of the usual stainless steel. These rods are drilled and filled with the same material  mix I use in my cello endpins. The transport sounds best on the center shelf because of the increase in torsional rigidity. Found this out by moving the transport  from top shelf on down. More stable center image along with better bass when in the middle. The rack is mechanically grounded to the concrete floor  with 2.5 inch brass Audiopoints..The treated breaker box  is 8 feet from my system and has The Gate mounted inside.. The breaker box  is 35 feet from the ground mounted transformer outside. On the meter outside I treated it with the same mix of metals in paint that I applied to the interior breaker box whose metal door was removed because the music plays better when off.  That's all about that. Tom


I am sorry if a dose of reality is too much for you. I have never had anything I would call digital glare. Not in 2+ decades of owning half decent systems. Digital does not have "glare". It has perfect and flat frequency response (normally). If you have an issue, I would start looking at how your system is performing. Too bright, is not because of digital, it is because of a poor system including the room.


Sorry, the “you guys” in my post was aimed at deludedaudiophile, and others like him, not you.

So I purchased my PS Audio Lamda transport from Peter Israelson who until recently was a tech, builder and designer for High Fidelity Cables makers of the 1260 and Q45 contact enhancer..Spoke with Peter today about glare digital and otherwise and he had the same experience as me. On some music we would both reach for the remote in anticipation of the glare that we knew was fast approaching and turn the volume down. With the application of Nano Flo there was no glare.

I can post all the mods and tweeks this transport has been thru.. New choke  power supply board with Nichicon Gold filter caps.with several film and foil bypass caps,.upgraded zener diodes, Vampire rca digital, new upgraded digital clock board, circuit boards mounted with brass standoffs and brass screws. CDM Pro9 transport and drawer treated with AVM coating, Star Sound CD Cirkulus tophat , cryo treated magnet instead of fuse, upgraded ac input..there is more likely.  Oh it sits in the center of a custom Sistrum Sp5 rack that has brass rods instead of the usual stainless steel. These rods are drilled and filled with the same material  mix I use in my cello endpins. The transport sounds best on the center shelf because of the increase in torsional rigidity. Found this out by moving the transport  from top shelf on down. More stable center image along with better bass when in the middle. The rack is mechanically grounded to the concrete floor  with 2.5 inch brass Audiopoints..The treated breaker box  is 8 feet from my system and has The Gate mounted inside.. The breaker box  is 35 feet from the ground mounted transformer outside. On the meter outside I treated it with the same mix of metals in paint that I applied to the interior breaker box whose metal door was removed because the music plays better when off.  That's all about that. Tom


Wow! You certainly misinterpreted my post. I’m a major fan of tweaks. Just look at my discussion history for the past 20 years. I’m looking forward to trying Q45T - or - Furutech Nano.

Whenever somebody mentions ’reduced digital glare’, it means that they still have it. The goal should be to treat the root cause, not mitigate the symptoms. Ever since I cleaned up my power and installed good cabling, I haven’t had digital glare in years.

I have no idea what the deal is with deludedaudiophile. IMO, his credibility is zero.

Never experienced glare in my digital. Maybe you need a new digital source or something is broken?

If you treat the source component first and the glare is reduced or mitigated why would you question the result? Tom

Post removed 

On Monday afternoon I took to treating my cd transport with Nano Flo after removing the NPS1260 that was already present. I put the spinner in repeat mode for several hours at a low volume to bring the system up to speed. 

I played a Neil Young greatest hits cd that is always ready to run. Several selections on this disc have a glare at mid to moderately high volume but not this time. This time there was no glare to be seen or heard just fully rounded music in a super quiet back round. Greater articulation from top to bottom slightly more depth of field and a wider more distinct center image. 

Nano Flo seems to have reduced digital glare while at the same time enhancing all other details. Makes me wonder if I will have enough of this product, as I find more and more specific uses every time I look at my system and room. Tom

Post removed 

A friend and I are both much happier with the results of removing the 1260 and applying the much more transparent Nano Flo. Neither are available any longer. I did buy the larger container and plan to remove the 1260 in my dac my amps and cd transport and apply the Nano Flo. Oh and on my speaker drivers and crossovers. To bad it's gone. Tom

It is ok. But I still think the NPS 1260 was better in sound staging and smoothness in sound.


I found 2 cable Rxs both are 10+ years old. One is a paint-like Silver treatment SST from Walker Audio, the other Carbon Diatonic Setten #1 is more liquid similar to the NP 45, both to treat cable connections and jumpers from the outboard power supplies

The Setten is Chinese, or at least Asian, but no English translation
This is similar but could be a improved version of the SST

Anybody have experience with either?

You guys disappointed me, I was expecting you to go low with the KY jokes much sooner.

@tommylion it is more symbolic, and I think Tubebuffer was banned.

Way back before COVID I really enjoyed the several days I spent with my wife in Louisville and surroundings, especially our visit to the Beam distillery😉

Told Chris that early on besides Ky. Is the initials of my home state of Kentucky..Derby week here at the track now with my daughter. $ 12 for a domestic beer. Smell the cigars and Kentucky Blue Grass in full burn. Beautiful place to be. Tom

At least that guy in the picture with the sparkly teeth doesn't have to worry about chapped lips...


You guys disappointed me, I was expecting you to go low with the KY jokes much sooner.

KY infused with micro-nano-wurtzite boron nitride will be available some time next week.

The NanoFlo gel is regular petroleum jelly from Walmart, the nanomaterial is what performs. Might try unplugging and reinserting a few times to drive the nano in.

If a "contact" needs "enhancing" it is a bad contact. Buy good connectors and you will never have a problem. Any difference you think you hear is imaginary which is par for the course with this crew. It is like self propagating propaganda.


You should try the Q45t- it is really better than the 1260. I tried them both together and thought it was good. did not mix the two just applied in different spots in my system. Then i finally got around to removing all of the 1260 from my system and it was much better with all Q45t. Hughe sound stage very detailed and organic sounding -no harsh sound.

100% organic squaline oil (Amazon) is supposed to be a good base. I think Walker Audio used it in his Super Silver Treatment.

I actually have some left, but it's somewhat died out. I will order squaline to mix


Thanks theaudiotweak and Nano-flo for the info. I am using the WBT silver spades.


The NanoFlo gel is regular petroleum jelly from Walmart, the nanomaterial is what performs. Might try unplugging and reinserting a few times to drive the nano in. 

I was surprised to read that petroleum jelly is actually edible.

Reinserting the RCA a few times seems symbolic, or maybe ritualistic.
I am pretty sure that that action also helps many RCAs which may have corrosion, and the lube should also help to keep out moisture, and slowing oxidation, etc.


@ozzy I'm not sure if the Nano flo hardens/solidifies with time or if it still remains a goo.

The NanoFlo gel is regular petroleum jelly from Walmart, the nanomaterial is what performs. Might try unplugging and reinserting a few times to drive the nano in.


My connections are brass, copper, silver and rhodium.

All took considerable effort to remove the 1260. I soaked fine bronze wool in alcohol to clean all the contacts and connections..Tom

I'm not sure if the Nano flo hardens/solidifies with time or if it still remains a goo. The NPS 1260 seemed to stay as a semi-liquid.

So why not try both products together? I will give the Nano flo a week to perform better in its present state. At that time, I may try to reapply some of the NPS 1260 over it.

Just wonderin' if I should try to remove the Nano flo as much as possible since one of its claims is it bonds at a "nano level" before applying the NPS 1260.


No..Why would I consider doing that? I dont think those 2 would bond nor adhere well..I have an unopened container of q45t avaiable. Tom

I removed nps 1260 in stages as did a friend in his system and then we both applied the nano product which we both heard and felt was a considerable improvement. Tom

Its calmed down but I am not noticing any sonic improvement compared to the NPS 1260. Actually at this point I think I preferred the NPS 1260. I'll give it a few more days.
